Books on Occlusion
“Introduction to Occlusion” and “Principles of Occlusion” were both co- authored by Dr. Richard W. Huffman and Dr. John W. Regenos. These publications have been used extensively in the U.S. and around the world.
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Introduction to Occlusion
By Dr. Richard W. Huffman D.D.S. and Dr. John Regenos, D.D.S. and F.I.D.C.
This publication by Dr’s Richard Huffman and John Regenos is a basic primer on the understanding of occlusal forces and their management in the pratice of Dentistry. It was designed for the undergraduate student. Based on the science of Gnathology, it details with acetates a working understanding of occlusal design.
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Price: $ 49.95

Principles of Occlusion
By Dr. Richard W. Huffman D.D.S. and Dr. John Regenos, D.D.S. and F.I.D.C.
This publication by Dr’s Richard Huffman and John Regenos is a much expanded version on the understanding of occlusal forces and their management in the pratice of Dentistry. It was designed for the post graduate practitioner. Based on the science of Gnathology, it details with acetates a working understanding of occlusal design, a means of recording individual patient needs and the management of extensive restorative cases.
Orders of 10 or more manuals may require extra time and handling.
Price: $139.95